How to Purchase Crabada Cryptocurrency for Dummies

2 min readDec 24, 2021

aFor gamers trying to break into the “play to earn” genre, entering the cryptocurrency space for the first time can be really intimidating. For low cap gaming projects like Crabada that aren’t listed on central exchanges yet, the experience can be even more overwhelming.

Noobs can find peace of mind with this bare bones step-by-step guide, written by a gamer for gamers.

  1. Exchange USD for USDT by depositing money from your bank account to a CEX like Coinbase, Binance, FTX, or This converts your fiat money into a tokenized form so it can be exchanged for other tokens.
  2. Purchase Avalanche (AVAX) using your USDT.
  3. On your web browser (or smart phone), you need to set up a web3-compatible wallet. The most widely used one is metamask. When you install it, you’ll be provided with a secret recovery phrase, which you need to store in a safe location, as well as a public address, for sending and receiving funds.
  4. Withdraw your AVAX from your exchange account to your Metamask wallet address.
  5. Navigate to a DEX that lists the Crabada (CRA) token, like Trader Joe.
  6. Select the “Switch Network” button at the top of the screen to add the Avalanche C-Chain to your Metamask.

7. Swap the desired amount of AVAX for CRA. You will be required to sign several transactions to approve the exchange and gas fees. Never swap 100% of your AVAX, you will need more for gas later.

8. From here, CRA can be exchanged for in-game items using Crabada’s marketplace, staked using their app, or made into liquidity pairs with AVAX and farmed for DEX tokens on Trader Joe or Pangolin.

I hope this guide helped you to take your first steps in the play to earn cryptocurrency space. What other projects are you interested in?




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